Jakub Kuzelka

Turany 183 · Czech republic · +420 605 50 94 39 · jakub@kuzelka.pw

I'm experienced DevOps engineer with strong background in unix systems and sysadmins skills. Actually I work as cloud designer and consultant in various fields of migrating on-prem infrastructure to cloud end to end.


Toolset experience
  • containerd, docker, kubernetes - for container runtime
  • github, gitlab, bitbucket, docker hub, quay.io - repository and container registry services
  • GCP, AWS, Azure, Digital Ocean - cloud providers
  • Gitlab CI, Github Actions, Flux CD, ArgoCD, Ansible, Puppet - CI/CD, GitOps, Automation
  • Prometheus,prometheus-operator, Grafana, Alertmanager - monitoring and alerting
  • Elastic stack, fluent-bit, fluentd, loki - logging solution
  • Distributed systems, based on kubernetes
  • Serverless platform, agnostic to runtime
  • Perfect observability, operations automation
  • CI/CD & GitOps approach